It’s the holiday season – tips to save your money and your mind.

woman carrying shopping bags

It’s the season for joy and happiness. It’s also the time to shop, shop, shop. The National Retail Federation estimates that Americans spend an average of $940 every year on seasonal expenses. It’s a large amount to spend in a few weeks. More significantly however, the spending is accompanied by frenzy and stress. In fact, the American Psychology Association ranks the pressure of gift giving as one of life’s top four stressors.

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Aviation Flying Clubs: What are they?

airplane at airport

Many aspiring pilots are concerned with not only the cost of earning a private pilot’s license but once they acquire it, if they will be able to afford to fly. Owning a plane or just renting a plane is a very expensive hobby.

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How to make an extra $1,000

Woman walking many dogs.

Could you use an extra $1,000? Who couldn’t? No need to whip out your resume or ask your rich uncle for a loan. Here are five ways in which most of us can earn some cash honestly and easily.

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Celebrate International Credit Union Day

Celebrate International Credit Union Day!

The credit union movement is steeped in a rich history of collaboration across divides. For nearly two centuries, financial cooperatives all over the world have encouraged people of every race, gender and belief to come together and give their all towards the betterment of their communities. It’s about people helping people.

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The Qs and As about Credit Scores

man holding phone looking at his credit score

What credit score should you really be striving for?

Most people have heard the old adage that the higher your credit score the better. We all know that a good credit score means lower rates when you want to obtain a loan on a car, mortgage and other large ticket item. The truth is that financial institutions use ranges to determine interest rates on a loan.

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The Best Things In Life Are Free

Fort Lauderdale beach

If you are a South Florida resident, you know that visiting relatives or friends are a reality of life. As hosts, we are often tasked with finding and accompanying our guests to suitable attractions. Since we live in a tourism driven economy, these spots are often quite taxing to the wallet.

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For the Empty Nesters Among Us: Loving the Game of Life

woman kayaking 900x500

You used to dream of this time and thought the day would never come. The day when your kids grow up, move out and become financially self sufficient.

Now they are gone and you and your spouse are empty nesters. After years of non-stop parental activities -- rushing to soccer practice, piano, karate, recitals, birthday parties and sleepovers, they are gone. You feel like Usain Bolt after the 100 meters – accomplished, happy and a wee bit sad.

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How much of your income should you save?

man saving money in jar

Your ideal savings rate depends on your goals and when you want to reach them. Are you saving for retirement? A vacation? Creating an emergency fund? There are also a variety of circumstances that can affect how much you should save. We’re going to breakdown the savings timelines and factors that go into figuring out how much to save and when.

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What are CDs and IRAs?

couple looking at computer

Are you thinking about investing but aren’t sure where to begin? CDs and IRAs are a good, low risk place to start. In this blog, we will explain just what these are and when it would be a good time to invest.

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5 Reasons to Refinance Your Mortgage

a couple reviewing paperwork with a bank staff member

Refinancing. You hear the term in the media almost every day especially in this low rate environment. Refinancing means paying off your existing mortgage with a new one. Should you do it? Consider these five reasons why refinancing may be right for you.

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5 Ways to Spend Less on Food

a man chopping food on a small cutting board while a woman beats eggs in a bowl.

When it comes to our finances, most people underestimate just how much they spend on food.  And while we can get rid of other expenses, food is the one line item that we cannot eliminate. We can however, spend a lot less with a bit of thought and planning.

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5 Tips on Caring for Your Aging Parents Without Going Broke

man at cafe; photo by Jeff Sheldon on Unsplash

"Once a man, twice a child.” People from the Caribbean know exactly what that means. It’s the inevitable circle of life. Humans begin life as helpless children and later, we again become dependent on others for assistance. In our forties and fifties, we will all see our parents aging and becoming more dependent. Then before we know it, the tables become completely turned and we begin to assume the role of caretakers.

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Tips to Keep You Safe During Tax Identity Theft Awareness Week

senior man with tablet

It’s tax time! Have you ever considered that you could be at risk for tax identity theft? Tax identity theft occurs when a thief files a fraudulent tax return using your Social Security number and collects your refund. It also occurs when someone uses your Social Security number to earn wages and sticks you with the tax bill. Often, people do not realize they are the victim of tax identity theft until after the crime, when they try to file their taxes.

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